Ladies and Gentlemen, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, dear Friends,

This is Brother Frank speaking to you from the International Mission Center in Krefeld, Germany. We have these sermons beamed out in a number of different nations and stations, sharing God’s holy Word with as many as possible. Our main subject is the Return of Christ, the fulfilment of Bible prophecies in our time, the calling out of God’s elect from all nations and denominations, the preparation of the Bride to meet the Bridegroom, when He comes. We do have the promise of our Lord and Saviour in John, chapter 14, “I go to prepare the place. Then I will come back and take you to be where I am.” This has been the main subject already in the days of the apostles: the second Coming of Christ, the Return of Christ to take the Redeemed to Glory. The Bridegroom will come to take the Bride to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. There are scriptures, especially Hebrews, chapter 9, verse 28, that make this subject very clear and plain. I read, “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” “… appear the second time …” – The first time He came to redeem us; the second time He comes to take the Redeemed home; the third time He comes after the Marriage Supper with the saints to rule the earth for a thousand years. 

Friends, this subject is not only important, it has to be emphasised what we find written in Matthew 25, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” At midnight, there was a cry, there was a cry! And then in verse 10 we read, “… they that were ready went in with Him to the Marriage; and the door was closed.” So, dear Friends, I personally believe that the Return of our Lord is imminent. No one knows the day or the hour, but our Lord has said three times, “When you see all these things come to pass …” All the predictions of Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2; 1 Timothy, chapter 4; 2 Timothy, chapter 3; 2 Peter, chapter 3, through the whole chapter; and then especially when we go to Revelation, beginning with chapter 12 right to 13 up to 18, where the things of the endtime, even the last world power, the fourth kingdom of which Daniel spoke in chapter 2 and chapter 7 – when we see all these prophetic scriptures the symbols are revealed by the Holy Spirit. We are not guessing, we are not interpreting, we live in the time when these things are divinely revealed. We go from scripture to scripture, from Old to New and from New to Old Testament and the Holy Spirit guides us into all the Truth. And the Truth is the Word of God. 

So we understand that the Return of our Lord is imminent. There has to be a calling-out time, a preparation time to get ready to meet the Bridegroom, when He comes. And the Holy Scripture in a number of different places shows us what will take place, when our Lord returns. There will be a shout, there will be the voice of the archangel, there will be the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and we who live in Christ shall be changed, and together we shall be taken up to meet the Lord in the air. This will be a reality.

But now the question arises: Who will be in the Bride Church? Who is in this congregation of those who are called out, sanctified and prepared for the Coming of the Lord? Friends, I have to tell you the truth. Whether you receive it or not, it’s up to you individually. But as there was a message, a forerunner at the first Coming of Christ, and, as I usually emphasise, the New Testament began with the fulfilment of promises and prophecies from the Old Testament. To be honest: I am not interested in what churches are doing, I am not interested in politics, I am not interested in religion. I am just interested to share the holy Word of God, the true Bible teachings about the Godhead, about Water Baptism, about the Lord’s Supper, about the second Coming of Christ, about all these fundamental teachings of the Holy Scriptures which all have been misinterpreted and people have been misled ever since.

So we understand from the Word of God that now before the Return of Christ there must be a message. And, Friends, whether you accept it or not: God is not going to change His Plan of Salvation – not because of you. You will have to change and adjust and fit into the Plan of Salvation! The same God who said in Malachi 3, “I will send My messenger before My face to prepare My way before Me” has said in chapter 4, “I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the great and dreadful Day of the Lord comes.” You can read in the Old and the New Testament about the Day of the Lord, when the judgements will strike the earth. Many, many scriptures speak about it: Isaiah, chapter 13 from verse 6; Joel, chapter 2; you can go right to the small prophets, to Zephaniah in the Old Testament up to Malachi, chapter 4; and the Apostle Peter in his first sermon on the Day of Pentecost did not only preach repentance and baptism and the infilling of the Holy Spirit, in verse 20 he refers to the promise God made through the Prophet Joel that before the Day of the Lord comes the sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood. Imagine, beloved Brothers and Sisters: in the first sermon, in the first sermon, 2,000 years ago the Holy Spirit led the Apostle Peter to speak about the day that would come, a great and notable Day of the Lord! Why? Because it was so important that we at this time would recognize God’s Plan of Salvation and also acknowledge all things that go with it. 

To make it brief: this is a prophetic age and God had to send a prophetic message to this generation. And, Friends, I have to tell you: there were a number of very special experiences William Branham, God’s servant, had in our time. And, Friends, I knew Brother Branham for ten years, was in his meetings in Germany and also in the USA, drove with him in the same car, ate with him at the same table. And, Friends, I came to know about the direct call and these extraordinary experiences, like on 11 June 1933, when he was baptizing, I think, about 300 people, after his first evangelistic crusade, he was standing in the Ohio River, just about to baptize the 17th person, when from the supernatural light visible to all of over 4,000 people the voice spoke these words, “As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first Coming of Christ, you are sent with a message that will forerun the second Coming of Christ.” Everybody who is acquainted with the things God has done in the 20th century, knows that God used Brother Branham after World War II to spearhead this great evangelistic healing campaign and also meetings. It was the breakthrough of the full Gospel after World War II. 

And, Friends, many evangelists were inspired and started their ministries. But the purpose was not that. They all built their own kingdoms within the Kingdom of God, making themselves a big name, big associations, and sometimes even multimillionaires. But that’s not my business. I am concerned about the message God sent to bring us back to the Word of God, to the Bible teachings, to line us up and come back to where the original Church has been on the Day of Pentecost. Because our Lord will not take home those who are caught in spiritual idolatry or in spiritual adultery. Both will be excluded. Both will be excluded: those who are in idolatry, and those who are, spiritually speaking, in adultery to the Covenant and to the Word of God that we have in our Bible today. 

And, Friends, there we have to be very open with you and have to ask you: Are you ready to believe the true apostolic teaching? Are you ready to believe what the Apostles Peter, James and John and Paul were preaching? What they were shown and what they got revealed by the Holy Spirit? Or are you going to remain with what Athanasius said, who came from Alexandria? whether you will believe what Tertullian said, who came from Tunesia; wether you are going to believe what Eusebius said, who came from Konstantinopel; whether you are going to believe what was decided in the Council of Nicea or in the Council of Chalcedon. Or whether you are going to be restored, to be restored back to the true Word of God, to the true teachings of the Holy Scriptures. 

And, Friends, let me tell you right now: every interpretation is blasphemous. God is only in His holy Word. There is not a single interpretation that is true or right. True and right is only what God says in His Word. And to show you from the Holy Scriptures: even in Acts, chapter 1, the apostles were asking our Lord, “Are you going to restore unto us the kingdom of Israel?” The question is about restoring. And let me show you quickly from Isaiah 42, how the Lord classifies those who are kept spiritually like in prison houses. Isaiah, chapter 42, verse 22, “But this people is robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses; they are for a prey, and none delivereth them; they are for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.” Friends, I never said a joke in my life in the over 12,000 sermons I preached, I never laughed. I cannot. I have to take the ministry seriously. I have to tell you that all denominations are kept in the Babylonian captivity. All people are kept like in spiritual prison houses. 

But in Isaiah 42, verse 7, we read about our Lord, “… to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and those who sit in darkness out of the prison house.” So the Lord sends us deliverance. But we must recognize the day, the message, we must know God’s plan and programme for our day and time. In Isaiah 58, verse 12, we read, “And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places; thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations, and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” My God in Heaven! Can there be a language more clearly spoken than this? A time of restoration! A time to find the old foundations! The Apostle Paul could say, “I laid the foundation with you.”

Dear Friends, please don’t stop listening. Just continue. But I have to say a few things. Coming back to our main subject, the Return of Christ, the calling out time, preparation time, to be ready when the Bridegroom comes. Only those who are part of the Bridechurch will hear what the Bridegroom has to say. Only those who hear what the Spirit says unto the churches have the possibility to line up with the Word of God and to believe as the Scripture says. I have written a number of books. One of the titles is “The Challenge of the Christian Theology.” And, Friends, here we have a number, a number of trinities as they are believed in the different churches and denominations. And then if you go to Exodus, chapter 20, where the Lord in the first commandment speaks of Himself that He is the only God and there is none other and that we should have no other gods besides Him. Today people teach, “The Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Ghost is God.” That would mean that this one in the middle is God, and this one is God, and this one is God. Brothers and Sisters, there is only one God, and this one God revealed Himself for the purpose to accomplish His own Plan of Salvation as our Father in Heaven in His only begotten Son, our Lord and Saviour, on earth, in us by the Holy Spirit: God above us, God with us, God in us – three manifestations of the same God to accomplish His Plan of Salvation with humanity. There are many, many more things which need to be said to show you the importance of being brought back to the true Bible pattern, to the true Bible teachings.

Please listen to the next sermon. We shall deal and continue to share the things so important at this time. Return to the Lord! Come back to the Word! Be cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb. Be sanctified in the Word of God! Be prepared for the great day of the Return of our Lord and Saviour! Be part of the Bride Church that will be ready to meet the Bridegroom, when He comes. 

Dear Friends, may God bless you, may He be with you. May you recognize the day and the message according to the Plan of Salvation. Be blessed in Jesus’ holy Name. Amen.