Ladies and gentlemen,

brothers and sisters, dear friends in Christ, I greet you from the Mission Centre in Krefeld – Germany. 

I am very glad to be able to speak with you through this program. My name is Brother Frank. That is the way I am known all over earth. And I look back to exactly 5o years, a little more in the ministry having shared the precious Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ preaching salvation, healing, deliverance. Preaching the full Gospel, believing that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. And what He did when He walked on earth He continues to do in His Church. And for this purpose He has placed the different ministries to continue, to continue in His Church which is His body.

 Beloved, the subject we are always having as our main topic is the Return of Christ. And this shall be the case every time. No other subject is as important because we must ready for the Return of Jesus Christ. The Holy Scripture says in Matthew 25, verse 10: They that were ready were going into the marriage supper and the door was closed and those not ready knocked at the door. So my ministry is to those who are getting ready, to those who prepare, for those who believe that before the Return of Christ we must return to the ways of God to God to the Bible teachings. Before the Return of Christ all who are part of the New Testament Church must come back, must come back – not if they would like to – but must be restored to where the Church was at the very beginning.

The same foundation, the same teachings, the same LORD, the same baptism, as the apostle Paul was writing to the Ephesians: One faith, one LORD, one baptism.

And beloved brothers and sisters, as we have to emphasize: Everything went wrong that could go wrong in the past 2.000 years. At the same time, in every age there was a small group of Bible believers, a small group that was not recognized by any government, a small group through all the ages continuing in the doctrines of the apostles, in the true baptism in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Even in the days of reformation, at the time of Martin Luther there were people being baptized by immersion in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. It is astonishing to read the church history, to see what God has done in a very small way. But at all times there were true believers. And especially since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit a little over hundred years ago, especially Azusa Street in Los Angeles - from that very moment the teaching of the trinity was questioned and the teaching of the Oneness of God was proclaimed from the very moment of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the year 1906. And from that time God has His way. Later on this Pentecostal movement was called the Jesus Only movement but let me correct that. It is not the Jesus Only teaching. Such a teaching does not exist in the Bible. It is not Jesus Only to speak and to pray to Himself. It is God only. The only God, the only Eternal One who manifested Himself already in days of the Old Testament. Right from the very beginning the invisible God made Himself visible, appearing in a bodily form, walking in the Garden of Eden creating Adam in His Own image. That was God manifested and Jesus Christ was the manifestation of God in the flesh – Emmanuel – God with us. 

So we understand by the Word of God and by divine revelation that the LORD had to come to be with us, to redeem us, to pay the price and to bring us back. And here – as I announced in the last sermon – it is the true baptism. And friends, you know the Bible and if not please start reading and you will find the divine information and revelation and inspiration by the Holy Spirit. It is not only taking one verse but taking that one verse where the LORD gave the commission. And then you go and see how the commission was carried out. This is so very important. You can repeat the commission a thousand times and not do according to the commission but just repeat the commission. Peter did not repeat the commission, he fulfilled the commission, he understood the commission. And this is what we have to emphasize: If you read Matthew 28:19: Go into all the world, teach all nations, baptizing them into the Name of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Then we understand: Father is not a Name, Son is not a Name, Holy Ghost is not a Name. So what is the Name in which God revealed Himself as our Father in heaven, in His only begotten Son on earth and by the Holy Spirit. What is the Name into which the apostles were to baptize? And then you go to Acts chapter 2: Repent everyone and be baptized in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit because this promise is given unto you and to your children and to as many as the LORD our God shall call. 

Beloved brothers and sisters, if you do not respect the Word of God, please – and I shall not apologize – God will not even talk to you. God can only talk to those who respect Him, who respect His Word and not to those who come with their own interpretations and with their own understandings. I do not need your teachings. You do not need my teachings but we together need the true teachings of the Word of God. And therefore there is no discussion needed. We do not discuss about God. We do not discuss about water baptism. Why? Because it so clear in His Word. There is no room for any discussion. Why? Because in the Holy Scriptures it is all written and we can inform ourselves. The main thing remains: To believe as the Scripture says, as our LORD commissioned and to believe as the commission was carried out. 

So, please read the book of Acts. Every time baptism was spoken of, whether it was the apostle Peter on the first day, on the first day when the New Testament Church came into existence when the Holy Spirit came down when all were filled with the Holy Spirit. And under this anointing on the day of Pentecost the first man, the man of God placed into that position: I give to you the keys of the kingdom. Our LORD has the keys of death and hell but the keys to the kingdom he gave to the apostle Peter because that is when the kingdom of God broke through, when the New Testament Church was established and the doctrines had to be laid so that we know what the original teachings were and how the baptism was administered.

Friends, I have to say this every time: All who are part of the body of Christ, all who are born again, truly having received the life of Christ will believe every Word of God and will be led by the Holy Spirit into the whole counsel of God. We shall have to forsake our own ways and return back to the ways of God. 

So we understand the importance of water baptism of those who first hear the Word of God, believe and after they heard and believed and received Christ as personal Savior, then they were baptized by immersion saying first: According to your faith I baptize you in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ and then the person is being dipped under the water. That is how baptism was administered in the first century. The first recording of the baptism by sprinkling goes back to the year 337 -  337 when Constantine laid on his death bed he called for a bishop and the bishop came with a little water in a small pot and then he put his hand there and said: I baptize you in the Name of the Father, I baptize you in the Name of the Son, I baptize you in the Name of the Holy Ghost. 337, the first recording of such a baptism! A misunderstanding of Matthew 28, not recognizing how the baptism took place and from that time the church in the Roman kingdom and in the Greek kingdom – they adopted Christianity not Christ. And they adopted the formula of Father, Son and Holy Ghost and not the Name: the LORD Jesus Christ. 

So friends, I must go back to the beginning. I must tell you these things. Over 40 years I studied church history in three different languages. I know what I am talking about. And the Word of God the LORD laid into my heart from my childhood days. And then of course when I received Christ as my personal Savior and upon this, beloved I do have a responsibility because of a direct call to the ministry. You might not believe this – and I am not angry with you. If you would say what I am going to say now, I could come up with doubts. No problem. We are all human beings. But I Brother Frank heard the audible voice of the LORD in my German language on April 2nd 1962, a Monday morning just before sunrise when the LORD said with a tremendous voice: “My servant, your time for this city will soon be over, I will send you to other cities to preach my Word.” The next moment I was flat on the carpet from the impact of the voice of the LORD. 

So friends, I am looking back to over 50 years after the divine call and commission. I have been to 155 countries sharing, sharing the precious Word of God. And I have to say this: Before the LORD called me, He called William Branham. You might have heard his name. Gordon Lindsay from Dallas/Texas wrote a book about William Branham with the title: A man sent from God. And this man of God had a prophetic ministry. He was the only man of God my eyes have seen, whom I knew for 10 years from 1955 to 1965 who had a ministry like our LORD. The blind received their sight, the lame could walk. Right there where he prayed on the platform the miracle took place. Thousands upon thousands filled the stadiums wherever he preached. In South Africa up to 500.000, in India up to 300.000 – wherever this man of God – especially in the 1950’s preached – thousands upon thousands came together. But here is the point. He received a divine call, a gift of healing, a divine commission. But this divine commission was connected to the purpose, to the purpose of calling out the Bride of Christ, of focusing our attention to the message of the hour, to share with us all of God’s Word and counsel.

And friends, every time I hear this man of God – even now  on tape - to say this testimony: As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent with the message that will forerun the second coming of Christ. This happened on June, 11th 1933. And from that time this man of God was in the ministry. But 1946, a special call, a special commission was given to this man of God. And then he started his international ministry. Before anybody had ever heard the names of the famous evangelists of the USA this man of God was sent to the Church of the living God to share with us the original teachings about the Godhead, about water baptism, all the Bible teachings he shared with us. 

And friends, I have a responsibility because I am an eye witness, I am an ear witness of what God has done through that ministry given to that humble man of God. So please understand and be not offended. God is doing something special at the end of the time of grace. It’s the last call, the last message – coming back – one faith, one LORD, one baptism. And baptism must take place by immersion in the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ. Please check it in Acts chapter 8, Acts chapter 10, Acts chapter 19. Please go back to the Word of God. Forget all the explanations. Come back to the LORD. Agree with the Word of God and you will see it by divine revelation.

So before the Return of Christ we must come back. We must be restored. We must be called out. We must prepare in the right way to be ready for the second coming of Christ. Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet Him and those who will be ready shall go in to the marriage and the door will be closed.

Friends, beloved brothers and sisters I wish for you to be there to meet the LORD in the air when He comes. May God bless you, may He be with you, may these few words be a blessing to all of you. I see you in glory in Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.