Freie Volksmission

Jesus Christus ist derselbe gestern, heute und in Ewigkeit. Heb.13.8


Circular Letter Spring 2005 / Ewald Frank

5. Israel and its suffering

Israel and its suffering

Israel’s ordeal has not yet come to an end. The world community, on one hand, refers to God and meanwhile, on the other hand, stands against God’s covenant people. That, too, is a paradox! No one should claim to love God if he does not love God’s people! The blindness on account of unbelief and the misguidance by the religions actually cry out to heaven!

During their session in Geneva, held February 15th - 22nd, 2005, the central committee of the World Council of Churches demanded of all its members, “to withdraw their capital investments from any enterprises which exist and make a profit on the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel.” 342 member churches are united in the WCC. The initiative for this boycott comes from the Presbyterian Church of the USA, asking that all international companies should participate in the boycott against Israel as long as they exist outside the borders laid down for Israel in 1949. They even use the text of Lk. 19:42, where our LORD states, “If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes.” There are indeed arrogant, spiritually blind leaders who are leading the blind, without being aware of it. Which one of them has recognised wherein they find their own peace? Of course, within religion and politics the subject of peace and safety will continue to be an important one, now more than ever. Unfortunately, they do not mention how much land Israel has already sacrificed for the so-called peace process. The negotiations are very difficult, but they will take their designated course until it can be said, “Now there is peace and safety” — and then, inevitably, the predicted sudden destruction will come (1. Thess. 5:1-3).

Indeed, we live in a very special time, just before a new epoch. I wanted to briefly touch on these three points, to provide orientation and food for thought. My maxim is, “Whoever is right in his heart will understand all things the right way.” It is our profound desire to see God’s work of grace with His Church from all nations come to completion; thereafter the God of heaven, according to His high and glorious counsel, will turn to the Jews. The return of the Israelites from all the nations on earth into the land of their fathers is a visible, living fulfilment of Bible prophecies (Isa. 14:1; Jer. 31:1-10; Ezek. Chapters 36-39; a. o.). This is the main sign that we are now living in the end-time. The prophecy predicted in the Scripture gives us an all-inclusive orientation and becomes an experienced reality for us. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel, Who became our Father through Jesus Christ and in His only begotten Son made us sons and daughters according the pleasure of His Own will, to Him, the only true God, be the glory through Jesus Christ our LORD, now and throughout all eternity. Amen.

By His commission

Ewald Frank

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