Free People's mission

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


If it applies and is true that William Branham was ordained from his birth to be a prophet and messenger of God in this last church age, then it was the sovereign decision of the Almighty, as it had been with all His servants in the past (Jer. 1: 5).

If it is true — and it is true — that the supernatural light came through the open window about two hours after his birth at 5.00 AM on 6th April, 1909, just hovering over the child, visible for the parents and the grandmother, who also acted as the midwife, can we just bypass it?

If it is true, that the young Billy at the age of 7 was told by the mighty voice, coming from the direction of the high poplar tree, saying, “ Don’t ever drink or smoke or defile your body in any way, for when you will get older, there is a work for you to do.”, can we just bypass it?

If it is true, that God showed him visions since his childhood, which proved to be 100 % correct, then it is certainly not the man, but God within the man, as Rev. T. L. Osborn said.

If he was truly sent with the message of the revealed Word, as promised to precede the second coming of Christ, then all who have an ear should hear and receive what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

It is also true, what Rev. Gordon Lindsay has recorded in his book. On 24th January, 1950, the supernatural light came down in a meeting in the Houston Coliseum, Texas, attended by approximately 8,000 people. Some of those present reported to him of having seen the light hanging over the head of William Branham. It was God Who testified on behalf of His servant and prophet. This was preceded by a public debate on the platform between the Rev. W. E. Best, who openly denied divine healing in our time, and the Rev. F. F. Bosworth, a co-worker of William Branham, who insisted that both, Salvation and healing, were part of the same redemption. Also present were two critical photographers, Mr. James Ayers and Mr. Ted Kippermann, who were supposed to take pictures by order of Rev. Best. After developing the films, not a single picture showed up, only the one Mr. J. Ayers took when William Branham came to the pulpit. The man of God said, “I am not here to defend myself, the Lord Jesus Who commissioned and send me will defend me .” That was the moment when the picture was taken. The negatives were developed by J. Ayers personally in the Douglas Studio in Houston, and their authenticity was confirmed by George J. Lacy, Examiner of Questioned Documents. Are we not ultimately dealing with what God has done? I, the writer of this brochure, saw the picture with the pillar of light in the Hall of Art in Washington D.C. in December 1969. Therefore I know that it was made accessible to the public. The employee who pointed it out to me was unaware of its meaning, because there was no description provided. I felt sadness and thought to myself, “Who takes note of the supernatural acts of God and their purpose?” Did the Lord Himself not confirm that He is the Same today, Who led the children of Israel 40 years by the pillar of fire and light (Ex. 13: 21-22; Neh. 9:
12-20)? Is He not the same Who met Paul on the way to Damascus in the supernatural light brighter than the midday sun and gave him the well-known commission (Acts 9)?

If it is true, and it is true, that on 28th February, 1963, a supernatural cloud descended on Sunset Mountain in Arizona wherein seven angels — cherubim — were veiled, as it was shown to William Branham in a vision on 22nd December, 1962, then it happened in order to draw the attention of the whole world to what God was doing. The cloud, which coloured in the blue sky, was so unusual in size, altitude, shape and colour, that many spectators took a picture thereof. The meteorologist, Dr. James E. McDonald from the “Institute of Atmospheric Physics” in Tucson, examined the photos of the phenomena and found no scientifically logical explanation. According to the report, the mysterious cloud still remained illuminated 28 minutes after the local sunset, exactly above the place where William Branham was.

The well known Science magazine, issue of 19th April, 1963 and the Life magazine issue on the 17th May, 1963, which I have both in my office, covered the article. One title reads, “... And a High Cloud Ring of Mystery”. For the unbelievers it was a mysterious ring in the sky, for the true believers it was a scriptural sign, comparable with the supernatural light which illuminated the whole area of Bethlehem (Lk. 2). Jesus was taken up to Heaven in a supernatural cloud (Acts 1: 9). And when He comes back to reign, it will again be on that supernatural cloud (Mt. 24: 30; Lk. 21: 27; Rev. 1: 7-8), then every eye shall see Him. God certainly is not playing games. We are still living in biblical days! Therefore it should not appear strange unto us that God works in supernatural ways. What purpose does it serve, to preach about the things God did in past times, when we bypass what He has done in our time and still does today? Is He the God of yesterday, the “I was”, or is He the same “I AM” today and for ever?

If it is true — and it is true — that Brother Branham was there on the mountain when this cloud came down, wherein seven angels appeared in the form of a pyramid, and was told by the seventh angel, “Return to Jeffersonville where you came from, for the time to open the seven seals has come.”, then it had to be of great significance for us. From 17th to 24th March, 1963, William Branham spoke on the seven seals in the book of Revelation. Of these things the North American evangelists had knowledge, Oral Roberts and T. L. Osborn and the others of the “first wave”, but they kept it from the public and never mentioned it. What God has to say and is doing obviously does not fit into their programs, although they recognise the extraordinary commission and ministry. Did the supernatural light blind them, because they were going against it? We must walk in the light, for only then will His Word become a light unto our path.

We now live in the time when things, which are written in the Bible, especially in the book of Revelation, come to their fulfilment. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has overcome, the Lamb has taken the book and opened the seals. The book was not supposed to be sealed for ever, only until the endtime (Dan. 12: 4+9). We are living in that age now. When the time was fulfilled, God revealed all that was hidden in His Word. This is a living reality for the Bride Church. God has done the supernatural and His people should be told about it.

In the year 1946 the world had not yet heard about all the other evangelists. During the following years, hundreds of preachers were inspired in a Branham-meeting, when they saw the supernatural work of God with their own eyes. Men like Oral Roberts, T. L. Osborn, Tommy Hicks, Morris Cerullo and many others were among them. In 1950, Rev. Gordon Lindsay published the book “William Branham — a man sent from God”. He writes about the extraordinary meetings, which were held in various countries during the years 1946 until early 1950. For several years, the same author informed the readers in his publication “The Voice of Healing”, and later “Christ for the Nations”, of the things, which were happening through this extraordinary ministry; other publishers did the same. But up to this day, it seems that no one inquires about the real purpose connected to this ministry. But that should be our concern. That is what it was all about. Regrettably, all the evangelists prefer to remain in their classic Christianity and only concentrate on the Divine healing, but not upon the preaching of the true Word of God. In spite of the mighty things they have seen with their own eyes, they do not recognise the Divine purpose of what God is presently doing among His people according to His Word.

The evangelists, especially those of the “first wave” (1946-1965), who received their inspiration when they saw the supernatural work of God, took a great responsibility upon themselves, because they withheld from the people what God actually did in our time. We have to realise that the concern is not a man, but God Himself, Who in His sovereignty gave the commission and sent His prophet-messenger. The supernatural is God’s work — not something a man can do — to draw the attention of the people to what He has to say. What our Lord said in Jn. 14: 12 came to pass, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do ...”

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