Free People's mission

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Heb.13.8


Circular letter 12/2003 / Ewald Frank

10. Many thanks

With all my heart I would like to thank all those who stand behind the work of God with their prayers. Special thanks go to the faithful who give their tithes and offerings into the storehouse, so the food can be given out (Mal.3). We are serving God’s people in over 140 countries. As far as we know, this is the only missionary work on earth which sends out all the materials free of charge. This includes all books and brochures. Cassettes and videos, CDs and DVDs are only sent out to ministers.

To all the brethren who share in the spreading of the original revealed Word worldwide in the same Spirit of the LORD I herewith wish to express my gratitude. We are also thankful to God and do appreciate it very much to have the possibilities to share the Word of God over the internet and via a number of TV-stations in various locations, with the ability to transmit world-wide. Almost daily we are receiving e-mails and letters from people who came in contact with the end-time message for the first time. Just on the day we randomly chose for a tally, November 17th, we counted 43 e-mails, besides the pile of letters that we also received. We therefore ask for understanding, if some are disappointed because their letters or e-mails were not replied to. We apologise for that, but it is simply not possible to respond to each one. Any requests for literature will certainly be taken care of as soon as possible.

With great expectations we are moving into the year 2004 and acknowledge that the LORD in His love and grace is only waiting for the last ones to be called out. With all my heart I wish all of you, beloved in the LORD, God’s richest blessings in your soul, spirit, and body, in every realm of your lives.

By His comming

Bro. Frank

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